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There are a lot of anime movies that are worth watching. But today I have listed 10 must-see anime movies that I think you must watch (if you already haven’t).
Anime movies are a great mode of storytelling. Unlike any other animation movies, anime movies stories are very deep and soul touching.
Let’s get to the list…
Please take note that this list is according to my taste and this is no absolute list of must-watch anime movies.
Yeah the list…

10. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

As we all have fantasizes to go back in time and clear all the mistakes we made in past. But changing the past can have severe consequences.
This movie is all about a girl Konno Makoto, who gets the power to go back in time. She uses her power to leap in past and she changes little things to make her present life easier. Soon she has to come across the fact that changing the past can bring severe consequences.  

9. Mirai

This is a story about a four-year-old boy Kun Oota, who is the centre of attraction of his parents. But when his baby sister comes home, then it is not just about him anymore.
To adapt this change he has to go through an extraordinary journey through time meeting his family’s past present and future selves. As he goes through the journey he learns what it means to be a part of family and older brother.

8. Black Fox

This is a story about a girl Rikka, who is a member of the ninja clan. But she wants to become a researcher just like her father rather than a ninja.
As everything seems going well, the tragedy strikes. Her father gets attacked. Now she has to become a ninja to get revenge for her father.

7. 5 Centimetres per Second

This is a story about two close friends and classmates Tohno Takaki and Shinohara Akari, they get separated because of Akari’s family is transferred to another region of Japan for a job. But they keep in touch through mail despite the distance. When Tohno Takaki finds out his family is also moving, he decides to meet with Akari one last time.
As time passes, they continued down their paths and their distance gradually grows wider. Their contacts with one another fades. But they keep remembering the time they have shared.
Will they have a chance to meet again?

6. Garden of Words

Takao is training to become a shoemaker. He usually skips classes and sketches the shoes in a very beautiful garden. Where he meets, Yukino. She is older than him. They start to see each other again and again but only on rainy days. They strengthen their relationship and become open to each other.
But the rainy season has to end soon. What will happen next?

5. The Tokyo Godfathers

This movie is about homeless companions—a runaway girl, a transvestite, and an alcoholic—find an abandoned newborn on Christmas Eve while foraging through trash. Using clues found next to the baby, they fan out through Tokyo to find the parents, along the way confronting reminders of their own lives they have nearly abandoned.

4. Bakemono no Ko(the boy and the beast)

Bakemono no Ko is the tale of a boy and a beast: both lonely, both stubborn, and both strong. For nine-year-old Ren, things could hardly be worse. His mother has passed away in a traffic accident, his father is nowhere to be found, and his extended family is cold and distant. Desperate, Ren runs away to the mean streets of Shibuya to try and survive on his own.

In the beast realm of Shibuten, the fierce warrior Kumatetsu is certainly feared, but not especially liked or respected. When the Lord decides to retire and become a God, Kumatetsu would be a natural candidate to replace him; he and the noble Lord Iouzan are the two strongest in the land. But Kumatetsu is so anti-social he's never even managed to hold on to a disciple. And until he proves he can, he'll never be a serious contender.

When Ren gets lost in a maze of alleyways and finds himself in the strange land of Shibuten, fate brings these two stubborn and fierce-willed souls together, and Kumatetsu re-names the boy "Kyuuta". Each of them has much they can teach the other, but where these two are concerned, nothing is going to be easy. As Kyuuta adjusts to his new home he finds himself torn between two worlds - two worlds that are far less separate than either the Boy or the Beast realizes.

3. I Want to Eat Your Pancreas

This is a very lovely story of a boy, who is a book worm and keep himself detached from this world which he lives in. and a girl named Sakura Yamauchi, who is suffering from a pancreatic illness and the time she left is about one year.
They stumble across each other. She gets interested in him and decides to change him a bit as well as live her remaining life to the fullest.
This is a point where the journey starts.

2. Koe no Katachi(The silent voice)

Ishida Shouya bullies a deaf girl, Nishimiya Shouko, to the point that she transfers to another school. As a result, he is ostracized and bullied himself with no friends to speak of and no plans for the future.

This is the story of his path to redemption.

1. Kimi no Na Wa(YOUR NAME)

Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl, yearns to live the life of a boy in the bustling city of Tokyo—a dream that stands in stark contrast to her present life in the countryside. Meanwhile, in the city, Taki Tachibana lives a busy life as a high school student while juggling his part-time job and hopes for a future in architecture.

One day, Mitsuha awakens in a room that is not her own and suddenly finds herself living the dream life in Tokyo—but in Taki's body! Elsewhere, Taki finds himself living Mitsuha's life in the humble countryside. In pursuit of an answer to this strange phenomenon, they begin to search for one another.

Kimi no Na Wa. revolves around Mitsuha and Taki's actions, which begin to have a dramatic impact on each other's lives, weaving them into a fabric held together by fate and circumstance.

I know I haven't covered all must-see movies. let me know in comments your recommendations for must-see anime movies.
thank you....


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