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  HI THERE, There are a lot of anime movies that are worth watching. But today I have listed 10 must-see anime movies that I think you must watch (if you already haven’t). Anime movies are a great mode of storytelling. Unlike any other animation movies, anime movies stories are very deep and soul touching. Let’s get to the list… Please take note that this list is according to my taste and this is no absolute list of must-watch anime movies. Yeah the list… 10. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time As we all have fantasizes to go back in time and clear all the mistakes we made in past. But changing the past can have severe consequences. This movie is all about a girl Konno Makoto, who gets the power to go back in time. She uses her power to leap in past and she changes little things to make her present life easier. Soon she has to come across the fact that changing the past can bring severe consequences.   9. Mirai This is a story ab

Why do we love anime?[4 min read]

                   Why do we love anime?                Hi guys, As I wander through my life this question came across me, why do we love anime? or why should we love anime? I am not expert in anime or something like that but I have watched a bit of anime. So I decided to write my answer to this question. As you come here that means either you want a reason to start watching anime or just want to know why you love anime?   I hope after reading this you will get you answer. Let’s just not waste any time and dive into in but first………. I want to split it into two parts, i.        Learning aspects of anime ii.        Entertaining aspect of anime i.       Learning aspects of anime  As some of you may know that some people don’t watch anime just for entertainment, they watch it to learn something to gain something valuable like happiness, excitement and so on. What you can learn or get watching anime; 1 . MOTIVATION: The first thing came into my mind is that


TOP 20 ANIME QUOTES Anime shows are not some random animations, anime contains a lot of wisdom and life lessons. I like quotes about life. As long as I remember, I have been collecting quotes.   But when I started watching anime, I became a hardcore fan of anime. why? Because anime is not just about epic fights and flashy visuals, anime is much more than that. Anime contains wisdom of life. Today I am going to share with you top 20 anime quotes that are so much full of life wisdom. They help us to clear our concept about life. After reading these quotes you will feel like these anime characters become real and speaking with their heart, they are sharing their life lessons with you. I can guarantee these anime quotes are going to help you with your life. Let’s dive into the quotes,  20.  "The world isn't perfect. But it's there for us, doing the best it can. That's what makes it so damn beautiful." - Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)